Thursday, January 3, 2013

Introducing A Movie Club For You and Me

Did I watch those films before the end of the year? No, I didn’t and I feel a bit ashamed.  I did watch two films and feel slightly better about myself because of it but still, I feel like I let you guy’s down.  However, I’ve come up with a solution to fix that problem and to become much more interactive with my fan base.  Introducing the LazyDog Films Club.  You don’t have to sign up for anything, which is the best part.  I’ll post up a schedule of which film I’m going to see next and I will write a review and post a video on YouTube.  You can watch the films along with me to have an open discussion about the film, the acting, direction, cinematography, writing, and even fan theories. 

The club won’t begin until late January.  Here is the schedule for the first four weeks of the club. 
If you can't see the photo, just click to enlarge

For those of you with iCal, here is the file on dropbox: Schedule

I would watch a new movie every two days to have time to write a review and post a video.  It would also give you guys time to find and watch the film yourself.  I love movies but I have little to knowledge about the classic films of yesteryear so this is a great opportunity to teach myself as well as anyone else who wants to join in on the fun.

Also, I created a Facebook fan page so just click to follow my page.

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